Monday, September 24, 2012


I'm currently reading Unleash by Perry Noble. (Along with a few other books)
I have been following Pastor Perry for a few years now and at first I didn't know what to think. He is very straight forward, funny and very real. Needless to say the work he does for the kingdom of God is very effective.

I was excited to hear about his book and wondered if he could bring the same style (from the stage) translate it to the pages of a book. After reading it I believe he did.
A few things I really enjoyed. The stories. I could really relate to the Jr high dances. I too went and did not dance. I guess I was too cool.
I also have taken a lot from Perrys short sayings like; “God created us on purpose, with a purpose, and for a purpose.”
“If our view of God is small and manageable and normal then we will have a small view of what He wants to do in and through us.”

Unleash tackles the issue we all fight, normalcy. Why live a normal, average, run of the mill life. We serve a Big God with Big plans. I believe God wants us to live unleashed.

Read this Book.

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